Saturday 12 January 2013

Photography Ideas:

Magazine Cover:

Props needed:
(To be updated depending on outcome of Shoot.)

Equipment needed:
(Again, To be updated.)

Cute and girly for female model.
 -Pink eyes 
 -Pink lips
 -Light blush.
 -Flower Hair clips.
Light make-up for the boys to create a naturalistic charm.
 -Little or no foundation.

Main article image:

-The two models  (Adam and Callum) back to back facing the camera?(Long Shot)

-One behind the other slightly, (Adam probably with a guitar.) And the other model in front of him, singing? (Long/Mid shot?)

- Just one close up of one of the models. (Callum/Adam.) (Close up.)

Cover image:

- The model, Emma, with a series of flowers in her hair, a surprised expression on her face. (Close up.)

Contents page:

- Model (Callum) sat in chair, subtle smile at the camera.  (Mid)

- Model (Adam) stood, strumming guitar.(Long)

- Model (Emma) head tilted on her side smiling.(Mid)

Double Page Spread:

-Both models (Adam and Callum) stood back to back. (Mid)

-One of each models. (Long)

-Together, one model sat on a chair, one next to him.

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