Saturday 15 December 2012

Draft Article #2

The boys have anticipated their début for some time now. "And our patience was beginning to wear thin." jokes Joel . "We've wanted to enter the music scene for a while now. But we've never found the right opportunity." Says second member, Nate. "That, was until we met our current agency, a talent scout came up to us after a gig and asked us to join. Our performance moved him he said." grinned Nate. The gig the boys performed in was at a local bar in London they helped the owner out last-minute after the hired band failed to turn up. "It was a stressful evening, the owner wanted us to perform at last-minute and we were so unprepared. Yet, we took any opportunity we could find to get on that stage!" Despite the guys modesty, they'd been attracting a lot attention just from the occasional gig they'd done, the clubs and bars had ques of people when they were on stage. Even their talent agency commented on the amount of people who filled the small bar!
After meeting in Uni the boys found a mutual interest in music, Joel was a multi talented guitarist, pianist and bass player. Nate loved to sing and play the drums, both boys have turned heads because of their boiling good look. Though it's not just their looks that are attracting all the attention. The guys newest hit single has created a stir. Viva have been incredibly popular since they're début hit single: "I only want you." They're emotional music video is a huge hit on YouTube, attracting even more viewers and screaming fans to the pair of heart-throbs. The video follows the story of the guys' lost loves who died in a car crash as they try to cope with heart-ache and "those little in significant things that remind me of you."( as their hit single goes). I guarantee you'll be crying by the end of the video! Yet, The charismatic pair don't just attract girls to their music. Many boys and men are enjoying the music that they have created, finding the lyrics inspirational and heart clenching. Anyone would love it.
Viva decided they're name simply. They have both been loyal fans of the one and only Spice Girls ever since they were children. "My parents had they're hits on all the time! Though it's not like I was complaining, I loved them. Still do! I think they're performance at the Olympics was sensational!" said Nate. " We thought since this was another common interest we shared we should have a name that connects us to that. When it occurred to us, our favourite song: "Viva Forever"! Viva means LIVE in Spanish and the name has such a deep meaning to it, there was no doubt in our minds!" After asking them if then, they'd ever want to collate with the epic girl band they answered as any die-hard-Spice-Girls-fan would. "Of course!" Exclaimed the cuties in unison. " We'd jump at the chance." Well, in that case we might as well keep our eyes open for a Spice Girls and Viva Collab.
Ever since they're début they're popularity has risen. They've appeared on lots of Television programmes and music channels, even recently presenting their own chart on a hit music channel! We're looking forward to they're explosive future with wide open eyes in anticipation.

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