Saturday 15 December 2012

Draft Article #3

Viva has anticipated her début for some time now. "My patience was beginning to wear thin." Viva tells BEAT in an exclusive interview. "I wanted to enter the music industry for a while now. But I'd never been given right opportunity. That, was until I met my current agency, a talent scout came up to me after a gig and asked us to join. My performance moved him to tears." grinned Viva.

Despite only being released recently, Viva's newest hit début single: “I only want you!”, has created a huge stir. The emotional music lyrics stabs at your heart and anyone who listens seems to relate in some way!The beautiful video also proves that Viva is not just a multi-talented singer-songwriter, she can act too. The video follows the story of a girl's lost love who died in a car crash as she try to cope with heart-ache and "those little insignificant things that remind me of you."( as their hit single goes). I guarantee you'll be crying by the end of the video!

Yet the charismatic girl is increadibly bashful! “ I get embarrassed whenever anyone compliments me or praises me. I'm just doing what I love!”

The Spice Girls have been a major influence on me. Especially their song “Viva forever” Whenever I was going through a rough patch I'd switch it on. hem. Still do! I think they're performance at the Olympics was sensational!" said Viva. “ "Viva Forever” helped me through many hard times in my life. The lyrics are simply inspirational to me. You see, Viva means LIVE in Spanish and the name has such a deep meaning to it, there was no doubt in my mind!" After asking her, if then, she'd ever want to collaborate with the epic girl band she answered as any die-hard-Spice-Girls-fan would. "Of course! I'd jump at the chance." Well, in that case we might as well keep our eyes open for a Spice Girls and Viva Collab.

Ever since her début her popularity has risen tremendously. Shes set to appear on lots of Television programmes and music channels this week, and possibly even presenting her own chart on hit music channel, MTV! We're looking forward to her explosive future with our wide open eyes in anticipation.

I have changed my article slightly to suit the needs of my target audience. For example I have cut down the amount of text within the article, this will make the text more appealing for the audience and interesting.

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