Thursday 18 October 2012

Re-written Article

Article rewrite into informal language.


As I'm sure many of you will agree, taking your GCSEs is no walk in the park! You have to study for some ridiculously, long and stressful hours to get even a decent grade. So, why on earth would anyone think that its a bad thing that these hard working diligent students and earning even better results then previous years?

Well Ofqual ( A regulator, clearly ignorant to the pressures and stress that GCSEs bring) claimed that:

"GCSE English is Too easy"
So, because of this stupid and ridiculous comment all the exam boards panicked and found the need to exam grade boundaries...

Two weeks before the final results were released.

So, all of the sixteen year old's who have taken their GCSEs unaware of these absurd changes have not reached their targets, especially those hoping for a good C grade which their teachers had promised they'd meet in the exams with flying colours. Now, many of these wanting to carry on into further education cannot meet the qualification acceptance levels they require to continue their education!

Here's what other sixteen year old have to say:

"Like, Oh My God! I can't even, like, college course...Its just so, like F***ing unfair!"
Said Anonymous from Hull.

"Its ridiculous, why haven't the government done anything about this!"
Complained Mia from London.

"Now I have to resit my GCSE English course in sixth form rather than one of my chosen subjects!" 
Martha from Lincoln

I personally think we should sit down all those regulators and exam boards in an exam hall and see how well they do since its too easy. They should pass with flying colours, right?
Its safe to say that we're all, well and truly, pissed off!

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