Saturday 27 October 2012


I intend to create a Pop music magazine's Cover, Double Page Spread Article and Contents Page. The target audience I intend to hit will be Pop music fans within the age range 15-25. Its going to be a monthly magazine, at a reasonable price of £2.99. I intend to create a interesting article about a debuting artist who has become very popular in the charts recently. I believe that, if the story behind it was true, the audience would be very interested in the story, since it tells them more about the practically unknown artist. Also, since they are rather high in the charts the group would interest readers even more since the magazine is aimed at pop music fans.

Reason for new proposal:

-After reviewing my draft article it occurred that, despite the article being very interesting and written in the right Formal and Informal balance, I, unfortunately, have no Korean models to use for my photography.  

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