Thursday 25 October 2012

Analysis of Two Articles

 Music Magazines Article anayasis


Vibe is a Pop, R&B focused magazine, aimed at audience age range of 16-20. You can tell this from the amount of text that's written by the journalist, since a older audience are more likely to want to read paragraph after paragraph. Also the length of the writing could also suggest that the target audience are people very interested in the genre of music the magazine focusses and are more likely to buy the Magazine for the stories inside. The colour scheme has more or less neutral colours, yet when there are grouped together they give off a more feminine look.

I believe that the images are also edited very well, the small ones creating a interesting layout to the double page as they are edited across the top of the page, though they are black and white it looks good because the main image on the page is in full colour. This means that the black and white images are less likely to cause the audience too be distracted, also it draws attention the main image. The image is also used to break up the text to give the impression that there isn't alot of reading to do.The text itself seems to be informal, but not so informal to the point of being colloquial language.

Top of the pops is a pop music Magazine aimed at teenage girls. This is apparent threw most of the magazine and articles. You can see this epecially on the double page spread for a number of reasons. The main feature of itcthat attracts teenage girls to it is the images of one direction, a popular boy band whom have recently had there big break after performing on the x-factor.
Each image comes with a few small paragraphs about the boy the text is next to, the length of the txt alos implying that its made for teenage girls since theres not too much to make it seem like theres too much to read, yet enough for fans to be intrested. The colouring, simular to Vibe, is blue, grey and white. The colours look gender neutral, though with the images of the boys it gives a more feminine feel. The text I believe s also alot more colloqiual then Vibe, this is because the article is written a a interview, also because the readers will be more intrested in what teh boys say, rather then facts about them.

Top Of The Pops

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